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Our vision: People can freely and safely make their own reproductive and sexual health choices without barriers

Our mission: To be leaders in advancing reproductive autonomy and access to compassionate abortion

Children By Choice Strategic Plan

Children by Choice is a non-profit organisation, committed to providing evidence based information on all pregnancy options – abortion, adoption, alternative or kinship care and parenting.

Our pregnancy options counselling, information and referral service is Queensland-wide. Our education and training operates across Australia.

We are funded by the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General and the Department of Health to provide our counselling and some of our community education services. We rely heavily on our members, supporters, and volunteers to assist us in our non-funded work, and are a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission.


Children by Choice acknowledge the traditional owners of country throughout Queensland and their continued connection to land, water, culture and community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


We are:

  • pro-choice
  • collaborative
  • compassionate
  • feminist
  • integrity

Our values mean we strive to make our service a safe space which is responsive to the needs of our clients above all else. We welcome anyone here who needs our support.

We can arrange for a translator for clients whose first language is not English.

Sex workers are welcome here, as are transgender, gender-queer, and non-binary Queenslanders.

Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and other forms of discrimination and bullying are not tolerated at Children by Choice, and shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere.

Everyone is welcome here.


Any information about health or medical procedures given on this site is offered by non-medical professionals, and is intended to complement and not replace any medical advice given by health professionals. Information about medical procedures is intended as a guide only what they may expect; details on specific procedures should be sought from the person or service offering them.

This site is intended to support women and pregnant people in their decision-making around unplanned pregnancy, and offer information that may help in their own decision-making processes. We also assist people supporting pregnant people. We are a non-directive service and will never advise you on which pregnancy option you should choose. Our services are client-driven and supporting you is our primary aim.

This site is also intended to support students and researchers interested in information about sexual and reproductive health, and to assist health and community professionals to best support their own clients and patients by making accurate and evidence-based information on pregnancy options easily available to them.

We do not accept advertising on this site, nor do we endorse products or services. Where a logo or business name is displayed it is in an information-giving capacity and does not imply endorsement.

We welcome feedback on this site. Please provide any feedback or suggestions for this site through our feedback or contact pages.

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