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For Professionals

Training Scholarships

Children by Choice are excited to announce a new sponsorship opportunity for health professionals to access training scholarships.


To apply, you must meet at least one of the below criteria:
– First Nations
– Regional, rural or remote QLD location
– A person with a disability
– Migrant or refugee background
– Financial pressure

Which training would you like to complete?(Required)
This benefit can be of any nature – a professional, emotional, intellectual, or social benefit.
Is there a specific way you hope to share and perpetuate the things you learn? How will this benefit your community?
Is your organisation able to contribute any funding towards a ticket? Sponsorship only covers conference ticket costs, accommodation and travel are not included.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, Max. file size: 15 MB.
Please attach a letter of support from your employer or supervisor.   

Important Note

Children by Choice has limited funding to support scholarships. If you are able to contribute to some of the costs of a training ticket this will ensure that as many individuals as possible can be supported to attend trainings throughout the year.