Information & Support
Queensland Public Pathways for Abortion
If you hold a Medicare card, and you are unable to afford the costs of abortion care at a private clinic, you can seek publicly funded abortion services through your local Hospital and Health Service (HHS).
Please be aware that your suburb and postcode will determine which pathway you are able to access. You can find out what HHS you live in and what services are available by visiting this website.
Scroll down on this website to find the ‘Accessing care at your local Hospital and Health Service’ section.
Alternatively, you can call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) to discuss your options or Children by Choice on 1800 177 725.
If you are an international student, worker, visa holder and are unable to afford the costs of care, we recommend engaging with MSI Australia. You can request to be connected with their case management team to discuss financial hardship. They will assess your financial circumstances and, if necessary, seek financial contributions on your behalf from other services. You are also welcome to call the Intake Team at Children by Choice on 1800 177 725 for advice and support.