For Professionals
Map Data Form

The MAPP (Mapping Access Pathways Project) is a philanthropically funded project, aiming to increase access to abortion and contraception services for all Queenslanders, with a particular focus on regional, rural and remote access.
The MAPP will be a publicly accessible online database of abortion and contraception providers, pharmacies that dispense MS-2 Step and ultrasound clinics across the state. It will be interactive and searchable by postcode, provider type and fee information. More detailed search criteria will also be available for services, for example; gestation, availability of a female doctor, LGBTIQ+ sensitivity and wheelchair accessibility.
Children by Choice has received consistent feedback from clients, referring organisations and the wider sector that the services needed to enable access to abortion in Queensland are hard to find.
Currently, there is no publicly available comprehensive list of abortion or contraception providers across the state. Pathways must be transparent and accessible to ensure timely access to healthcare and better health outcomes for all. This is why the MAPP will also feature services that support abortion access including Pharmacists, Sonographers and Doulas.
The Children by Choice MAPP will empower its users. It will provide clear pathway information and options, it will facilitate higher levels of health literacy for individuals and it will support healthcare workers to confidently refer clients to appropriate services.
The software used in developing the MAPP has been kindly licenced to Children by Choice from 1800 My Options who have a similar tool available on their website for Victorians. The site can be viewed here.
Services and providers listed through the MAPP will initially be asked to provide client facing details such as contact information, opening hours, types of services offered, gestational limits and fee information. Further details such as appointment booking processes can be captured but this information is optional. Once the MAPP is live, services will be able to register, update and modify their own listings.
- You can register your service on the MAPP today by following the link:
- For more information about the registration process or the MAPP more broadly you can get in contact [email protected]